

MEDIA RELEASE: Right Lane becomes first Australian management consulting firm to become foundation owned and controlled and appoints new CEO

Melbourne-based management consulting firm Right Lane Consulting has appointed Chiara Lawry as its new CEO, while at the same time becoming the first privately owned Australian management consulting firm, and possibly the first for-profit company in Australia, to restructure into a foundation owned and controlled company.

Scaffolding strategic projects – giving them the help and support they need

25 July 2018

As projects are becoming the default way to get things done within organisations, we’ve found that ‘scaffolding’ project teams – that is, giving them the necessary support – increases the chances of their success.

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What can business problem solvers learn from physics?

25 July 2018

Finding the right approach to meet a business challenge relies on having the right tools in your problem solving toolbox. This article explores how problem solving by analogy is an approach to problem solving that we can borrow from physics.

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Setting strategic measures – four suggestions to make it worth the effort

25 July 2018

The task of setting strategic measures may appear straightforward but it can often be treacherous. Creating a ‘house theory of measurement’, in which desirable properties of clients’ strategic measures are identified, is a good place to start.

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Organisations that deliver – five elements that set the best apart from the rest

25 July 2018

Strategy without execution is just a collection of ideas – successful execution requires committed effort across the organisation. This article outlines five elements for effective strategy execution.

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Better decision-making: A key to unlocking organisational effectiveness

25 July 2018

If senior leaders are the ‘brain’ of the organisation and the employees are the ‘arms and legs’, then decision-making is the neurons that receive, process and transmit information throughout the body. Find out how to unlock the full potential of these neurons!

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Our purpose at work – serving organisations that do good

5 June 2018

Helping organisations that do good do better is central to our management consulting practice. The work we do with for-profit and not-for-profit organisations that play a constructive role in creating a better world is above all else why we come to work and what gives us meaning and fulfilment in our professional lives.

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How to build a growth strategy in two days

15 December 2017

Get growth strategy right. How to build a compelling growth aspiration, and a targeted portfolio of growth opportunities in an intensive workshop format.

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The value of a robust diagnosis – be better prepared for next year’s strategy and planning process

15 December 2017

Undertaking robust analyses of what’s happening in the world, the industry,
and within organisations, is critical for building an evidence base and a common reference point to draw upon when engaging in strategic thinking and strategic planning.

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Curiosity will make you ready for complexity

15 December 2017

Is curiosity just another ‘Q’ (in addition to IQ and EQ)? This article explores the different kinds of curiosity and how you can build your, and your organisation’s, capacity for staying curious.

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Innovation is for everyone

15 December 2017

Innovation can be nurtured. Organisations can use design thinking to build capacity and embed a culture of innovation.

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