MEDIA RELEASE: Right Lane becomes first Australian management consulting firm to become foundation owned and controlled and appoints new CEO
Melbourne-based management consulting firm Right Lane Consulting has appointed Chiara Lawry as its new CEO, while at the same time becoming the first privately owned Australian management consulting firm, and possibly the first for-profit company in Australia, to restructure into a foundation owned and controlled company.
Strategy execution: Aligning your organisation to your council plan
It takes more than just a great council planning session to affect real change in your council. The next challenge is delivering on that plan. Here we outline a six step ‘recipe’ to help you align your organisation to your council plan.
Read MoreBeyond the council plan – creating impact with a corporate plan
To help address issues that may affect the council’s ability to deliver on their council strategic plan, we suggest developing an internal corporate plan to ensure the outcomes of the council plan can be delivered.
Read MoreThe value of a robust diagnosis: be better prepared for this year’s council planning process
With council plans due for review in the coming months in Victoria, we recommend councils invest time in a diagnosis of their strategic context to inform upcoming decisions.
Read MoreAFR article: Virus cash crunch hits 60 per cent of super funds
The early release scheme could mean that 54 of Australia’s 90 super funds suffer from negative cashflow. That will accelerate the need for fund mergers.
Read MoreMEDIA RELEASE: Majority of Australia’s super funds are likely to tip into negative cashflows
Majority of Australia’s super funds are likely to tip into negative cashflows. MEDIA RELEASE.
Read MoreChallenges facing organisations and what we can learn from our shared experiences
In this unscripted conversation with senior Right Lane colleagues Marc Levy and Zoe Pappas, they reflect on the strategic and organisational challenges they are helping our clients solve and what we are seeing and hearing from our clients at this difficult and uncertain time, and suggest some topics other organisations should consider as we all make our way through this unprecedented experience together.
Read MoreThe impact of COVID-19 on investment teams
How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact investment teams? Were investment teams prepared to deal with a pandemic? What are the short-term implications for operational activities and investment strategy? What are the lasting implications for the investment management industry?
Read MoreAFR article: Super sector should shrink by 80 per cent: report
The pressures on fees and costs exacerbated by COVID-19 should drive a wave of consolidation in the superannuation sector, with the ideal structure of the industry built on about 15 funds, down from the existing 92.
Read MoreAFR article: COVID-19 tipping point for bloated super sector
Analysis of Australia’s super sector suggests the pandemic will exacerbate pressure building on funds and could force consolidation that leave as few as 10 funds.
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