

MEDIA RELEASE: Right Lane becomes first Australian management consulting firm to become foundation owned and controlled and appoints new CEO

Melbourne-based management consulting firm Right Lane Consulting has appointed Chiara Lawry as its new CEO, while at the same time becoming the first privately owned Australian management consulting firm, and possibly the first for-profit company in Australia, to restructure into a foundation owned and controlled company.


The importance of offering quality pro bono consulting services

20 September 2021

We recently sat down with Jill Prior, Principal Legal Officer and co-founder of LACW, to hear her reflections on why being able to access quality pro bono consulting services is so important, and how Right Lane has been able to support the LACW board by supplying both an external lens and a process that was grounded in theory, knowledge and practice.

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Seven practices for conducting successful virtual workshops

25 August 2021

As COVID cases rise again, and many parts of the country are in lockdown or have closed their borders to other states, we are preparing to facilitate a large all-staff workshop for 150 team members (virtually), and thought it was time to reflect on, and write about, what we’ve learned over the past 18 or so months, and what it takes to conduct successful digital workshops.

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AFR article: Super reforms create competition conundrum

2 July 2021

By forcing Australia’s big superannuation funds to compete harder for members, could the Coalition’s Your Future, Your Super reforms ultimately make the sector less competitive? That’s the question posed by Melbourne group Right Lane Consulting.

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MEDIA RELEASE: Super changes may lead to uncompetitive outcomes for the system

1 July 2021

The government’s super reforms are designed to expose more super funds to competition. But by doing so, could we end up with a system dominated by a handful of giant funds? MEDIA RELEASE

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Do more with less by borrowing from agile practices

1 July 2021

Becoming ‘agile’ involves a simple shift: planning with fixed resourcing in mind, instead of a fixed outcome. In this article, we share how you can use agile disciplines to get more done in your strategic projects with less effort, and we bring this theory to life by demonstrating how we’ve done this in practice on a recent client engagement.

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Don’t say it’s over: a snapshot of COVID-19 and questions for executives to ponder

25 May 2021

Last year was an immense shock with devastating human consequences. In Australia, there’s cause for great optimism; but the pandemic isn’t over – there remain very significant risks and many people are still suffering here and overseas. This article presents a COVID-snapshot and poses a handful of questions for executives to consider at this juncture.

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Helping organisations that do good do better; Right Lane’s five pro and low bono themes

24 May 2021

As a purpose driven organisation and the first B Corp certified strategy consulting firm, Right Lane is committed to investing in low and pro bono work. Each year, we invest a share of revenue in low and pro bono work to contribute to fulfilling our purpose of helping clients who do good, do better. Here we share our commitment to five areas of passion and interest.

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Embedding sustainability into your organisation’s DNA

13 May 2021

There is growing awareness that value creation is a long-term construct and that companies must strike the right balance between financial imperatives and obligations associated with other ‘capitals’. Companies should be deeply considering the sustainable development issues and risks that will impact their ability to create value over the long-term, and hardwiring their responses into their strategies and business models.

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Returning to the office: Resetting your team

18 December 2020

As many of us, particularly in Melbourne, turn our minds and bodies to a return to the office, thinking through how to best support your team and get the most out of your in-person interactions becomes a priority, and reconnecting with your teams purposefully has never been more important. In this article we share with you some practical and simple ideas on how to support a smooth transition back into a ‘COVID normal’ work environment.

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Budget changes picking ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in the super system

20 October 2020

The changes announced in the recent Budget, aimed at improving efficiency in the super system, are in essence picking the ‘winners’ and the ‘losers’ in the system. The stapling of accounts and spotlight on fees and performance is likely to escalate switching behaviour while reducing the prominence of the default distribution market, which may shrink to less than 220,000 accounts annually. The battle ground for member acquisition will shift to ‘direct to consumer’ distribution, a market which is estimated to be approximately 1 million accounts annually, currently dominated by a handful of large funds.

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