The Centre for New and Emerging Technologies (C4NET) is an independent member-based organisation, established by the Victorian Government (DELWP) in 2017, to deliver innovative solutions to complex challenges within the energy sector. Its members and affiliates include representatives from the energy industry, academia, government and regulatory bodies.

In 2021, Right Lane was engaged by C4NET and DELWP to conduct an independent evaluation of C4NET’s inception and early operations. This involved working closely with C4NET’s stakeholders to understand their perspectives on the C4NET model and activities, what has been achieved to date, and the value it has created for the sector. It also involved data collation and analysis to build an evidence-based view on the progress the Centre has made towards its funded objectives.

Right Lane summarised the outcomes of this engagement and analysis in a detailed report that was shared with C4NET and senior stakeholders within DELWP. For C4NET, this work validated the strategy and priorities for the Centre, and identified specific opportunities to improve the Centre’s operating model and strengthen future impact on the sector. For DELWP, this work provided an appraisal of C4NET to date and the government’s involvement with it, as well the applicability of this innovative model to support transformation in other sectors.