We can help your organisation do better

At Right Lane, we co-design solutions with our private, not-for-profit and public sector clients


Business and growth strategy

Clarify (or define) purpose and strategic direction

Develop vision, mission and values

Develop a new strategy

Refresh the current strategy

Build the strategic capability of teams

Facilitate strategy workshops and discussions with boards and senior teams

Analyse and evaluate strategic options

Develop a growth strategy

Evaluate growth options


Strategy activation and execution

Initiative planning

Scaffold strategy implementation and strategic projects

Communicate/ launch strategy

Cascade strategy to teams/business units/directorates

Design organisation’s rhythm of performance

Develop enterprise-wide performance management process

Develop measures framework and monitoring cadence

Build workforce strategy and plan

Link strategy to resource allocation

Build strategy monitoring and review process including QSUs (Quarterly Strategy Updates)


Operating model

Operating model design/re-design

Organisation design

Enhance the organisation’s operating rhythm

Improve decision-making

Review underperforming functions

Align internal teams/reduce silos

Establish new ways of working


Performance improvement

Sustainably improve organisational profitability

Review overhead cost structure to identify areas of inefficiency

Align improvement plans with organisational performance

Maximise revenue opportunities including pricing strategies

Improve the effectiveness of sales and marketing expenditure

Optimise sourcing and procurement strategies


Diversity, equity and inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion assessment (including base line analysis and gender pay gap deep dive)

DE&I/Gender Equality strategy execution (initiative planning, implementation support)

Gender impact assessment (GIA) capability building (training)

Conduct GIAs on significant projects, process or services